Monday, November 30, 2020

Srinagar: Gudri floating market is the lifeline of the city

One of the most popular floating markets in India is in Srinagar. The city amid COVID-19 lockdown and frequent disruption of national highway has only one lifeline for fresh vegetables that is in the interiors of Dal Lake. Vegetable vendors from different parts of the Lake start their day at the crack of dawn.

Around 60-70 boats gather at a point in the Dal-Lake, locally known as “Gudder” and start trading vegetables across the City. The negotiation and exchange lasts for hardly an hour or so and very soon all of them disappear into their respective villages like the market never existed.

The market is said to be almost a century old and has many legends. It is one of the few remaining authentic. Most of the vegetables sold here are grown in the floating gardens and are harvested only a couple of hours before being taken to the market.

The rich ecosystem of the lake helps in the production of tomatoes, cauliflower, carrots, melons, brinjal and Kashmiri saag (collard greens) in plenty. They do not use fertilisers in their vegetables, and that’s why it’s fresh and tasty.

Floating vegetable market never stops serving people even in tough times like lockdown and coronavirus. The market acts as lifeline for the people of Srinagar city.